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Located about 100 km far from Hanoi city, Tam Coc – Bich Dong is tourist destination besides Trang An scenic and it looks like Ha Long Bay on land.


Tam Coc
While Hoa Lu is famous for its temples dedicated to the Dinh and Le Kings which were built in the 10th century.

Tam Coc is known as a place where the Le King lived a secluded life. Tam Coc is located in Van Lam commune, Ninh Hai village, Hoa Lu district, Tam Coc has three caves: Ca, Hai and Ba formed by the Ngo Dong River. Ca Cave (about 127m in length) runs through a big mountain. Its mouth is more than 20m in width. Hai Cave, nearly 1km from Ca Cave, is 60m in length and Ba Cave 50m in length.

From the centre’s pier, visitors can go for a row in the cool and clear weather, and see the breathtaking scenery. On the way, you can stop at Thai Vi and Tam Coc temples along the Ngo Dong River.

Tam Coc is pristine scenic, you will definitely have interesting moments of experiences here. Let’s spend time exploring Ha Long Bay on land by yourself.

Bich Đong Pagoda
From Tam Coc boat pier, drive East nearly 3 km, tourist will reach Bich Dong pagoda – an ever ancient three tiered cave pagoda. It is only accessible by steep stone steps, but it is really worth climbing up for a charming pagoda and stupendous view from the top.

Bich Dong pagoda was built by the colective and missionary work 0f 2 Buddhist monks: Tri Kien and Tri The. All three pagoda of Bich Dong have wooden architecure due to architectural style of the time at the end of Le Dynasty and the beginning of Nguyen Dynasty. They were arranged according to ascending order on the position of Bich Dong mountain like a Chinese letter: ” Tam “. Ha Pagoda (Lower Pagoda) is located at the foot of the mountain, Trung Pagoda (Middle Pagoda) is on the mountainside and Thuong Pagoda (Upper Pagoda) is situated on the top of the mountain. All of pagodas’ back lean againts the mountain.

Due to charming landscape and unique value of Buddhism, there are many pilgrisms coming to Bich Dong all year round.