The Pagoda was constructed in 1847 at the base of Sam Mountain in An Giang. Then it was restored extensively in 1958. Standing on the top of Sam mountain with an overview of the whole town and surrounded by lots of ancient trees, this pagoda has become a must-visit attraction amidst nature. 

Tay An Pagoda is beautifully decorated with many elements from the Cham, Vietnamese, Chinese and Indian cultures. The interior and main gate follows Vietnamese design, having figures of 2 dragons and lions fighting for chrysanthemums, pearls, lotus blossoms and apricots trees on the roofline romp. Meanwhile, the front of it follows Indian temples’ architecture with a unique oval dome.

Once entering the pagoda, you will see a large statue named the Mother Holding Child and two other large statues of black and white elephants. There are also an array of numerous religious wooden figures representing Buddhist philosophical attitude. The most lively ones include Virupkka, Dhatarattha, Virulhaka and Kuvera.