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 An Giang is located in the upper branch of the Cuu Long Delta with covering of Hau River & Tien River (2 largest branches of Mekong River Vietnam). Especially, An Giang has a long border connecting to Cambodia. From Chau Doc town, you can take a speedboat crossing over Vinh Xuong border gate to Phnom Penh (Capital of Cambodia). If climbing to the peak of Sam Mountain, you can take an overview of Chau Doc and see the border between Vietnam & Cambodia.  

This province is shrouded by lots of narrow canals, small rivers that make a crisscrossed interlacing. However, a western flat of An Giang contributes a significance to agricultural productivity and quantity.

To be similar to other provinces of Mekong Vietnam, there are 2 clear seasons in An Giang. From November to the next March, it is the flooding season with a comfortable temperature. The rest period is the dry season.