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Unlike Cai Rang Floating Market, Phong Dien Floating Market remains trading activities until the afternoon and not just sells agricultural products, but also household and working tools that meet the locals’ demands. 

Boats loaded with produce from nearby orchards of the Mekong Delta converge to the floating market. They carry mostly fruits but also coconuts, vegetables and fishes. Buyers are local traders with bigger boats snapping everything by the bushels and resell at local markets or to wholesale dealers from big cities, often for a handsome profit.

Phong Dien Floating Market is open quite early from dawn, like Cai Rang Market. The period from 7 to 8 am is the busiest time here. However, unlikeCai Rang Market closing at about 9 – 10 am, Phong Dien Market, remains trading activities until the afternoon. Due to this trait, tourists if miss to visit the market in its busiest moment, they can still drop by here late and enjoy idyllic scenery on the river with boats carrying hoes, machetes or baskets are still trading and ready to serve buyers when needed.