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Tra Su Cajuput forest, which belongs to Tinh Bien District’s Nha Ban Town, is located 17 kilometers from first Chau Doc Town, An Giang Province. It lies in an inland area near the Cambodian border.

Tra Su includes a 845-ha special-purpose forest surrounded by a 645 ha buffer zone. The forest has 106 colonies of water birds, bats and various rare and endangered animals and reptiles and a few of them have been listed in the Red Book, and over 140 flora species.

Standing on a 10-meter high watch tower in the midst of the forest, tourists can enjoy a panorama of the vast greenery spotted with the white of storks below. Turtles, snakes, as well as other reptiles and freshwater fishes, are also abundant in the canals. The colour of the waterways changed from one place to another, sometimes turquoise and at other times silver, purple or amber, due to the numerous species of water creatures. 

Rowing along the green mysterious canals is a particularly good ideal. You can view the lovely landscape as the scenery drifts along both river banks, enjoy the fresh air as well as listen to the magical music as performed by the birds of the forest and other jungle insects and animals. 

During the high water season, the forest’s canals and streams are dense with clusters of water ferns, a particularly vivid sight when the setting sun imparts a golden glow on the emerald-green duckweed that blankets the water’s surface. You can smell the perfume of lotus flowers and water lilies… 

Besides, the significance of preservation and economic value, Tra Su also boasts many unique cultural features as it is the home of the Kh’mer and Kinh people who practice several traditional handicrafts, such as brocade weaving, silk weaving, cooking Thot not (Borassus flabellifer) sugar, distilling cajuput essential oil, raising bees for honey, etc.